March 31, 2025

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Fine Website and the Safety Details Here

One of the biggest obsessions when managing a website is hacking. Behind hackers, malicious individuals or organizations, are desperate to steal your data. Here is some important matter:


If you have changed your administrator password, the hacker will still be able to find it. Indeed, by default, the administrator is the first user. The latter has the number 1. In fact, some scripts can find the password of the user 1. It is therefore necessary to delete the user 1 on the list. From totoks you can have the best deals now.

Update your CMS

Since hackers use the flaws of CMS, you should update your web solution very regularly. Indeed, the updates can correct some security bugs.

Save your website

It is also necessary to back up your website very often. This operation can be done either via your host or directly in the admin area of ​​your CMS.

Use a .htacess file

The .htacess file provides many possibilities. Among other things, rewrite the URLs to simplify them, manage error pages or secure a file or directory with a password.

With a .htacess file, it is possible to set up filtering rules. These help stop attacks against your website.

81% of French companies were targeted by a cyberattack in 2015, according to an OpinionWay survey for the Club of experts in information security and digital. To better hide in computer systems, these attacks take many forms, since 61% of them are the work of a “ransomware”, a malicious software that hijacks personal data to ask a ransom to his owner.

In addition, 38% are denial of service attacks that aim to make unavailable for an indefinite time the services or resources of an organization, 23% are the result of a disfigurement of the website, which involves hacking a site to display instead of the official page a totally different page that has nothing to do with the site itself. Finally, 18% of cyberattacks are stolen personal data.Faced with a growing and increasingly complex threat, here are 7 tips to avoid the intrusion of malware.

Beware of cloud platforms

If you use online services to back up files or photos from your smartphone, these programs may synchronize call history and data between smartphones and shared devices. Without users becoming aware of this, it could expose private calls as well as other personal information.

To avoid annoying situations, such as the appearance of a phone number on a shared personal computer, make sure that you know how the software installed on your computer and smartphone works. Also think carefully before sharing information from your computer with any application, home computer or business.

Encrypt your communications online

If you use an email application on your computer, this can open a wide open door for cyber criminals. Indeed, if the messaging installed on your computer sends messages in a non-encrypted way, a hacker could read this data and exploit it as he wishes. You can expose yourself to the risk of spying.

To avoid such a mishap, use only communication tools and software that encrypt your data, such as WhatsApp, Backbaze or Signal, the application recommended by Edward Snowden. Also take a look at the safety notes when using a new service.

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