February 23, 2025

Finer Balances for the Best Poker Options Now

Of the total population with Internet access, 35% say they play online at least once a month, although the majority also gambles in dominoqq in person. A figure declared mostly by young men, who are the ones who invest the most in online gambling in Spain (64%, compared to 36% of women). Among those who only play online, this gender difference remains: 61% of those who only play online are men, while in the case of women they are 39%.

The most popular

Regarding online gambling, the most common are casino games (56%), poker (47%) and sports betting (29%), compared to more traditional platforms. Within sports betting, the predominance of soccer, basketball, motor and tennis among all categories (above Boxing, Horses or Greyhound racing).

The rise of online gambling Online

Gambling has exploded since the Government regularized activity and granted the licenses with which some thirty firms operate since June 1, 2012 and, in these first six months alone, billing Total internet gaming rose to 2,354 million euros.

Looking ahead to 2013, the estimates of the Ministry of Finance are that the sector will grow by around 10% for the year as a whole up to 5,000 million euros in turnover. Online players place their bets mostly from a computer (95%). The Smartphone is already used by almost 20% of the players.

Best-known betting pages

  • In terms of brand awareness, it should be noted that LAE (48%), BWin (40%) and Pokerstars (39%) lead the ranking of the best-known online betting pages by Spaniards. In addition, between the three they concentrate 76% of the online spending of Spaniards (LAE concentrates 40% of the spending on online games and betting, followed by PokerStar with 20% and BWin with 16% of total spending).
  • For the preparation of this report, 1,000 interviews have been carried out in Spain with adults over 18 years of age with Internet access, of sex, regions and social classes representative of the Spanish online population (62% of the total adult population). The interviews were carried out through online questionnaires with an average duration of 10 minutes.

We want to make safe bets in online casinos, but above all with security. If you like gambling and want to know how you can start playing roulette, bingo or poker, here are some recommendations so that you can learn to detect the legal pages of online gambling. These are the tips we give you after consulting the experts of the Internet User Security Office (OSI):

Casacochecurro.com Casinos and betting houses are growing, the offer is increasing: poker, bingo, roulette. We Spaniards like to gamble and if there is no doubt that every game has a risk, what we cannot afford is to play with our security, that they deceive us or, worse still, be the object of some scam.

Check that the site is legal if we want to make safe bets

We can also check if it has the safe gaming logo , a stamp given by the DGOJ after verifying that they meet all the legal and technical requirements established by law to guarantee safe gaming, that is, fair, fair, reliable and transparent gaming. .

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